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You could save big with Snapshot!

Save Big With Progressive SnapshotWhat in the heck is Snapshot!?

Snapshot, is Progressive Insurance's Pay As You Drive program. It's a type of usage-based insurance. You can earn a personalized car insurance discount—by driving less, in safer ways and during safer times of day. The better you drive, the more you can save, up to 30 percent!

Here's how easy it is to start saving

  1. Enroll online.
    Tell us to enroll you when you purchase your policy from us or if you already have a Progressive policy you can login to your and enroll there.

  2. Plug the device into your car.
    In 7 to 10 business days you’ll receive your Snapshot device along with details on where to plug it into your car. Once the device is plugged in you will receive an email, within 3 days, acknowledging that you plugged in the device.

  3. Drive as you normally do.
    For the next 30 days, you’ll keep track of your good driving habits with Snapshot. You can log in to your Progressive policy anytime to see your projected Snapshot discount.

On day 31, your initial Snapshot savings—which can be anywhere from 0 to 30 percent— kicks in. After six months, you’ll send back the device, Progressive will finalize your driving snapshot, and you can keep saving for as long as you’re insured by Progressive.

What information does the Snapshot device collect?

The Snapshot device collects:

The Snapshot device doesn't contain GPS technology or track vehicle location. It also doesn't track whether you're exceeding the speed limit.

Don't just take our word for it, Click Here and read for yourself how Progressive protects your privacy.

So where in the heck do I plug that doohickey in???

Follow this link Click Here, put in your car information and it will show you where the port is located in your specific car. If you're still not sure, give us a call and we'll help!